Since inquiring minds want to know, gluten is actually made of two proteins found in wheat (and rye and barley). According to the Live Science website (and numerous other sources), the two proteins are " gliadin (a prolamin protein) and glutenin (a glutelin protein)". These proteins are found in the endosperm which is found in the seeds used in grinding to make flour.
Why should it be avoided?
Many people eat/drink gluten products with no side effects. For some of us, this is not the case. Most will fall into one of three categories:
Celiac Disease: An autoimmune disorder that effects the small intestines. Gluten triggers a response resulting in inflammation, malabsorption of nutrients, and a whole array of intestinal complications. (for more click to go the Mayo Clinic's site on Celiac's)
Gluten Allergy: A true allergic reaction can effect the skin, respiration and intestines, just as with a nut or shell fish allergy.
Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity: The symptoms mimic celiac's, but there is no damage to the intestines.
Ok, I am not going to really offer an opinion about this, other than I am unsure if GMO and NON-GMO Gluten products were tested. Also, despite what researchers, doctors or whoever is the expert, remember if someone feels better without gluten, then they don't need a label to be in-tune to their bodies and it feels after eating certain foods or identifying trigger foods.
Other reasons: Some people (like the girl in the video) thinks that gluten is responsible for making one fat. Nevermind the greasy double cheese burger that lies within the super processed, refined non-nutritive buns- clearly gluten is to blame!
Some current popular reading include:
What to do without GLUTEN???
If you really crave a good ole fashioned home-made sandwich, there are alternatives. The Huffinton Post did a review of different GF breads. Just a word of warning, READ THE LABELS. Many have eggs, so if you are vegan do not assume GF = Vegan... it does not! Watch for added sugars as well. And well, the simple truth, without that elasticity of gluten many GF breads crumble.
What about Home Baking???
Relax, there are many of us that have trial and errored our way through being GF years before the popularity and widespread side effects of it. As this blog develops, more and more will be posted concerning GF VEGAN recipes. Until then, here are a few commercial products that work well. Just don't be shocked at the sticker price of GF alternatives!
One Final Comment (to the girl in the video): RICE DOES NOT CONTAIN GLUTEN!
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